A donation to The Storybook School supports our mission. Funds will go towards our tuition assistance program, and enrichment programs with specialty classes like martial arts or dance. Please consider supporting The Storybook School in ways that are personally meaningful to you.
Our school will plan to have two major fundraising events a year, usually one in the Fall and one in the Spring. In the past we have had Read-A-Thons, an Auction, and Annual funds. Our fundraising efforts are diverse in scope and nature, and provide opportunities for all families, grandparents, parents of alumnae, and alumnae to participate.
We aim for 100% parent participation in all fundraising initiatives and look forward to developing this area with our TSS Community. Every gift, of any size, is meaningful, impactful, and much appreciated.
Support with PayPal / Credit Card:
Please also consider some of the other ways below to support our preschool:
Friends of Storybook, Inc is a registered 501c3 tax exempt organization. When writing checks to Friends of Storybook, we can issue you a receipt and your donation will be tax deductible. Would you like to get more involved with our school? Come check out Friends of Storybook! | |
Do you shop at Gus’s supermarket? Ask them for a Community Card at the register and select Friends Of Storybook (eScrip ID #500827119). When you are checking out, simply have the store associate scan your Community Card or provide your phone number and our school will receive 6% of your purchases! | |
Shop at Sloat Garden? TSS participates in the Growing up Green program; so if you mention TSS during the Growing Up Green Event dates (4 times a year), then Sloat Garden Center will then donate 10% of pre-tax sales back to TSS for school gardening. |